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1. To log in, first navigate to Student Portal

Student Login Screen

2. Enter in your First Name, Last Name, and the 10-digit Student ID into the appropriate boxes, then press the "Login" Button.

NOTE: If you get the message “Invalid User Information” when logging in, it is likely either your name is spelled incorrectly in the online system, or your number is not typed in correctly as Alpha Plus received it from the school. Please ask your teacher or assistant for help.
NOTE: As a Teacher or Assistant, you can Search for Students to get the First Name, Last Name, and Student ID.

Select a Test

1. Upon logging in, you will arrive at this screen:

Select Test Screen

2. After you select a Classroom, and one of the Available Tests, "Start Test" Button will be enabled:

Test Selected

3. Click "Start Test" Button and proceed to next screen.

Taking the Test

Formative Test

      a) Question Navigation: You have 3 options:
          - Click on the specific Question in the Questions Bar at the top.
          - Click the BACK or NEXT Buttons.
          - Press the ◄ or ► Keys on your Keyboard (If you're using a PC).
      b) Bookmark a Question: Use this feature if you wish to move on with the Test, and return to this Question later on.


      c) Hide an Answer:
          - If you believe an Answer is incorrect, click the Open-Eye Icon next to the Answer. The icon will turn into the Closed-Eye Icon
          - After this, you will be unable to select this Answer as an option.


      d) "BACK" and "NEXT" Buttons: Use these to navigate to the Previous or Next Questions.
NOTE: For Formative Tests, the questions will be shuffled randomly on the Student Portal.
      f) Using the Calculator: If your Teacher has enabled a Calculator for you, there will be a Calculator Button in the bottom left corner.
NOTE: Students from Grade 6 upwards will have the Calculator enabled by default.


Finishing the Test

1. When you reach the Last Question, you'll have the option to Finish the Test.

Finish Test

2. You'll have the last chance to Review the Questions here, before Submitting the Test.

Review Test

3. If you decide to Submit the Test, you'll see the Results immediately.

Test Result

          - If you only need to take this test, proceed to “END TESTING”. This will take you back to Login.
          - If you need to take another test, proceed to “TAKE ANOTHER TEST”. This will take you back to Select a Test


"Database Connection Error" or "Socket Error" while completing the test.

1. Clear Caches and Cookies Chrome | Firefox | Safari | Edge
2. Close Browser Window (Your answers will be saved)
3. Ensure computer is connected to the internet.
4. Restart Browser & Login
5. If problem persists take a screenshot and send your test name and when you experienced the error to the teacher.

Multiple Students per Single Computer (After Each Session)

1. Clear Caches and Cookies
2. Close Browser (All Tabs)
3. Create new browser session to start new test.

Automatically Logged Out of Test Session

1. Refreshing the browser will end the testing session and log the student out.
2. Using back button will end the testing session and log the student out.
3. Navigating to a different url during the session i.e navigating to the login screen at will end the testing session and log the student out.
4. Same student logging into mutliple browser tabs or windows end the previously started test session.
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